About Us

We are pleased to announce that DD Consultus is now the new name and brand of ACT Consultus. The main goal of the new identity is to accurately represent our company’s core values – professionalism, top-notch service, reliability, elegance. The rebranding is part of our continuous effort to grow as a company and improve our clients’ experience.
DD Consultus is based in Malta and it specialises in the online gaming industry, online payment processing and the related services thereto.
DD Consultus offers senior international gaming consultancy to all sectors of the gaming industry, including but not limited to, online gaming, land based Casinos and arcades, software and platform providers, and gaming machines manufacturers. Our gaming practice encompasses all aspects of gaming law, including licensing, corporate, legal and financial compliance, acquisition, mergers and development. Our consultants have previously occupied strategic posts in the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) for a number of years and with their expertise in the gaming industry, provide tailor made solutions and consultancy to our gaming clients, locally and internationally.
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DD Consultus professional services also extend to the provision of services in thefield of online payments and acquisition of financial institutions and electronic money licences in Malta, as well as consultancy to online payment processors.